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Saving Lives, Families, and Futures

Our Services


There are medications to help prevent relapse and maintain sobriety.  Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) is used for opioid use disorder and naltrexone (e.g. Vivitrol) can be used to treat either opioid use disorder or alcohol use disorder.

There are additional medications that can be used for the treatment of alcohol use disorder.

Medically Assisted Treatment


Many times, family members are at a loss for what to do for their loved one's addiction.


"What should we do?"

"Where do we begin?"

"Who can help us?"

"What's involved in detox and recovery?"

"How can we help to prevent a relapse, and promote and maintain sobriety?"


The addicted family member may sometimes feel ashamed, embarrassed or "feeling too sick" to seek help on their own.  The "extra push" and support offered by the family can sometimes be the key factor in having the family member get motivated to obtain treatment.


Family Consultations


Is your child going down the wrong path with alcohol or other substance use issues?


Our office can see you privately to address and assess your parental concerns.

Parent Consultations


"No person is an island." 


Here's how we can help:


Our office helps you develop a meaningful and practical plan to help prevent relapse and maintain sobriety.  Once you start to feel better, you are then in a better position to choose from one of the various treatment modalities available to aid in this goal.  These may include additional medications, inpatient rehab, intensive outpatient rehab, partial hospitalization, individual counseling, group counseling, self-help groups (such as AA or NA), nutritional guidance and physical fitness programs.  We can help you choose the optimal course of treatment for your long-term recovery.  You may also need to establish with a primary care provider, psychiatrist or mental health professional if indicated.




Our office provides a focused educational experience regarding the different aspects of addiction.


This experience is both patient-focused and informative for family members and friends.



Addiction devastates the body, mind and spirit.


We can help you develop a focused plan for recovery regarding diet, nutrition, exercise and "all-around" self-care.

Health & Wellness Consultations for Addictions


1. Dr. Andrews is qualified to perform comprehensive evaluations / assessments required by professional board / oversight organizations (examples: PHP, PHMP, PNAP).


2. If your primary care provider or specialist requests an assessment regarding substance use concerns, they can refer you to our office for an evaluation.

Physician/Medical Provider Consultaitons
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